Thursday, June 24, 2010

POPPS Procedure - I Miss Fentanyl Already

I had my POPPS procedure today. First, yesterday they called me to move me up an hour, so I had to be there at 8 instead of 9. They were running late, though, and I napped in my gown with my IV started until they came to get me for the procedure at 10:45. Ugh. Erin was there (my physical therapist). I think that was good for both of us. I know she wanted to meet Dr. Wasudev (pronounced woss-uh-day), and it was helpful to have someone in the room who sees me weekly and knows where my trigger points are.

When they first started my IV in the room-before-the-room, I asked what they were going to give me. The nurse told me two things, and I said, "Can I have fentanyl?" She said I could ask them. AND THEY GAVE IT TO ME! Who knew - all you have to do is ask for the good stuff. Fentanyl is the drug that lasts the longest for me. I had it for my colonoscopy in July 2008 (fun fact: Blogger doesn't recognize fentanyl or colonoscopy as words - really?). That was back when I was on Vicodin (doesn't recognize that word, either) every two hours, but I didn't need a pain pill for 12 hours after that.

When I got home from the procedure, I had a bit of soreness at the lower left quadrant injection site (close to my shingles scar and close to where the left ovary is), but that was it. No other pain. I was hoping it would last, but I can tell the fentanyl is wearing off and my old pain is coming back. Dr. Wasudev said it would take about 3 days to get the full effects of the injections, so I'm hopeful.

Oh, but I'm pretty sure some of those needles went up my ass. Yay. The injections were a mixture of lidocaine and epinephrine. OK, lidocaine is not recognized, but epinephrine is. Guess a lot more people blog about epinephrine.

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